Wednesday, 8 July 2015

'Little Wavehoppers'

'Little Wavehoppers'
Jo-Ann Hunt©

Last weekend the studio manager and I spent a wintery day at the beach

some 2 and half hours west east of Melbourne.

....I've long been told I don't know my left from my right ...

that must include east from my west as well!

 Just 90 miles of sand and sea.

.....bracing and reviving!

cold, crisp and fabulous!

'Little Wavehoppers'
 Jo-Ann Hunt©
'The Child Within' Series
Acrylic on Canvas
....not even winter wet-suits could tempt the surfers into the icy water...

...a few hardy anglers and us ...that was the only sign of life

for miles and miles of straight coast.

but today the car is loaded, brochures organised,

and I've just the delivery dockets and labels to print.

Delivery to 'The Camberwell' scheduled for this morning....

...manouevering huge canvases across busy main roads

in a howling wind is not my favourite part of this job!

but it's a nice feeling to send this painting out into the world...

hope it finds a happy beachy-house somewhere!  Jo :)

'Little Wavehoppers'
 Jo-Ann Hunt©

update:   the 'Wavehoppers' have found a new home... would love to know which part of the country these little fellows are in now... drop me a line :)  

Saturday, 4 July 2015

..and a few more bird photos...

would make a good design for a statue :)

the females have little pink striped vests

...these little birds are just so cute....raucous noise like a screechy creaky door...and they are absolutely making a huge mess of my car and driveway with their nibble-and-drop diet...and I'll be sorry to see them move on to another area once they've demolished my trees. Truly!
so these will be the last gang-gang photos...for now !  time to get back to the brushes!  Jo  :)


Friday, 3 July 2015

...painting the town red....The Camberwell Art Show 2015..

Camberwell Art Show 2015

In its 50th year this show is declaring it will paint the town red.

I've had my own little redheads  painting my driveway with cm-deep layers 

of nibbled seedpods and gumnut blossoms.

 a small group of Gang-Gang cockatoos have taken up residence in 

my front yard. How cute are these little males? and the fancy hairstyle!

Gang-Gang Cockatoo, Victoria, Australia
when your hairstyle matches your dinner
as usual in the bird-world the females are a little more restrained
Gang-Gang Cockatoo...such a handsome boy!
you just want to touch those feathers!
Gang-gang Cockatoo
 photo: Peter Fullagar

'Little Wavehoppers'
 Jo-Ann Hunt©
and these young fellas are hoping to find a new home at 'The Camberwell'

probably the best known of all the Art Shows in Australia, it opens 

Friday July 10 and runs all week until Sunday 19th July.  

(in 2012 I won an award at this show , and for years it's been a must-see favourite of mine... so try to  take time-out to pop along and see a diverse  range of art from all over Australia ) say hello if you see me! 



Thursday, 2 July 2015

Heartlands and Headwaters ...John Wolseley ...part 2

I'm being totally selfish here in posting so many photos ...

it's because I just don't want to forget a thing!

even the ubiquitous installation with its sculptural, collaged , cut and folded , warped and twisted forms, and delicate drawings on tissue paper fluttering gently in the breeze was totally beguiling...

On exhibition until September 20,  you can lose yourself in the exquisiteness and detail and the boldness and the scale of these smashing artworks.

Just awesome...inspiring....I was captivated, and I'll be back for more!
                                Jo    :)


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Heartlands and Headwaters...John Wolseley... part 1

 I spent an intoxicating hour and a half with John Wolseley's large watercolour and mixed media artworks at the National Gallery of Victoria...( the Ian Potter Centre, Fed Square )
The subtle washes contrasting with bold splashes of colour,
 the positive and negative shapes,
the delicate linework and bold printing,
the patterning, the rhythms,
the contrasting techniques.... I was totally drawn in and seduced.

I knew I wanted to see this exhibition, but I didn't realize how much it would inspire me. I was by turns jolted, surprized, and captivated. I didn't want to leave the space.. and kept returning for more.
.... more pics tomorrow.  
