Monday 26 September 2011

painting a 'Series'....

My mind is never 'Closed for Business.'


because I paint many different subjects and themes.....whatever takes my fancy!

I am constantly drawn to new topics and ideas, and instead of fighting 
or feeling awkward about this, I trust my creative 'gut', pick up the brush and start painting before this latest creative muse abandons me.

many modern artists often pursue only one idea for most of their life....

and many galleries expect their artists to do this because it gives them an 'identity' ....

translate 'makes them easier to pigeon-hole / promote / sell......

you want a painting of a dugong ....she is a 'dugong-painter'.....

you prefer purple trees?....he's a 'purple-tree' painter.....

you get the picture! ( pun intended!)

well sorry, that's not for me!

I want to do it all!

even at university I took the course with the most diversity, the most sweeping, comprehensive topics,
the broadest range of artistic subjects...that of an "Art -Teaching' degree.

now I've learnt to manage my explorations and creative curiosity by working in 'Series'.

I follow a theme through until I feel I've exhausted all my interpretations and ideas.

but usually long before I've finished all the paintings I've started, I'm off in another direction, with sketches and ideas piling up in notepads, sketchbooks,  the backs of envelopes, all over my studio desk and kitchen bench.

when this happens I'm at my happiest!  bits of paper and scribblings...all that chaos....all that inspiration just waiting to be to launched onto canvas.

but there is one series that has been a constant since February 2005.....

my "Travels with my Paintbrush' Series.

this is my first "Hilltop Village Painting'.....

The Green Shutters
Jo-Ann Hunt
'Travels with my Paintbrush' Series
Acrylic on Canvas

and this is one of my latest....

His Cousin's Village
Jo-Ann Hunt
'Travels with my Paintbrush' Series
Acrylic on Canvas

....a lot changes in five years.

.....wonder what changes will be wrought in the next five!

                                             Jo x


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